Our chapel provides counseling, advocacy and ministry to people of all faiths (including atheism, which also is a belief system) and is in many cases the only religious environment that our patients ever come in contact with. As such, our chapel fulfills a very important role for the institutional community, regarding the holistic approach to mental health, for which the spiritual aspects of the whole person are equally important with the psychological, mental, and physical attributes of the patient. These concerns can be determined by our Chaplain's role as he engages in ministry and professional services. These services include lectures, prayer and counceling in a nurturing and non confrontational environment; our patients receive the ability to relate with the higher-powers of the universe.
Moreover, institutional involvement in religion encourages active patient participation in care for fellow patients and it allows the asylum authorities to impose their views on religious matters without the use of drugs, straight jackets or other restraints. Of course if you like to wear a straight jacket, we do have a meeting once a week where all attendees wear straight jackets, just check our bulletin board or schedule for times. We also have services where all patients can take psychotropic drugs. Some fantastic religious encounters have been enjoyed when everyone is flying on LSD. Stop in and see for yourself what religious benefits can be yours with God's wonderful blessings!