In pursuit of a treatment for analysis-paralysis, we sometimes suffer from psychoanalysis paralysis. We recently came across an excellent suggestion: the kitchen timer. We think this tool can enhance staff and patients in at least one important respect, which we have used on a few patients. It allows us to see the next patient on time. It's really a 2 way street here, the patient may suffer from the same exact problem, then it is only a matter of more sessions and synchronization. We tried alarm clocks cell phone summons etc. but then there is always the question of settings and alarm options. Here at Happy Dale we use the 24 hour clock since this is a military base. This often confuses new patients as they try to get to meetings, dinner or lunch on time. Since most routines are tightly regulated for the sake of the sanity of the patients and staff, this is mostly done with bells. Care must be taken not to confuse routine rings with the rings of office phones, door bells or Ding Dong Therapy.
Would you like us to turn the timer on for you?

Tested and approved by Joe Lightfoot.