Full Moon Madness
Some studies seem to offer limited support for lunar effects, but most fail to show any relationship between the phase of the moon and abnormal behavior, and meta-analyses have revealed that apparently significant results are likely to be statistical anomalies rather than indicative of a real effect. In general, apparent positive findings have tended to be inconclusive, contradicted by other studies, or shown to be the result of statistical errors. For example, one study found a statistically significant correlation between lunar phase and hospital admissions due to gastrointestinal bleeding, but researchers acknowledged that the wide variation in the number of admissions throughout the lunar cycle limited the interpretation of the results. Two other studies found evidence that those with mental disorders generally exhibit periods of increased violent or aggressive episodes during the full moon, but a more recent study found no such correlation. An analysis of mental-health data found a significant effect of moon phase, but only on schizophrenic patients. Nor are such effects necessarily related directly to the behavior of the moon.
Do you think that there are more flip outs during full moons?