To dream that you are pregnant symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. Being pregnant in your dream may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal. Dreaming that you did not realize you were pregnant implies that you are in denial about something. You also have a tendency to ignore things until it is right in front of you. Alternatively, if you are trying to get pregnant, then the dream may be a wish fulfillment. If you are not trying to get pregnant, but dream that you are, then it symbolizes fear of new responsibilities.

In Lindsay's Dreams...
This is a flash back story about a romantic young woman from Ohio. She was of good family and brought up with uncomprimising values. She dreamed she was scheduled to marry someone properly eligible. Instead, she fell in love with another man, who although of distinguished looks, was earning his living in a questionalble fashion. This attachment was finally broken when his employer threatened to discharge him if he married. When he told Lindsay, she was relieved yet challenged because she still was sheduled to marry someone she didn't really love. She figured she would grow to love him and that might not be a problem in the long run, but what aboutr the wedding night? And what about her lingering fellings for her true love. This classic dream love triangle dilemma confounded her in the usual fashion and kept her from sleeping nights. She was constantly having dreams that included waking up and going back to sleep and experiencing dreams within dreams. These led to flashbacks within flashbacks which led her to fear the future and feel more comfortable taking trips in her memories, even though they were wrought with loneliness...

The Dream

Relax in Lindsay's Lounge
While relaxing, try not to take a nap or fall asleep, you might enter a dream state....

Try to describe your dreams according to these choices.

In speculative analysis, the line between dreams and reality may be blurred even more in the service of the patient. Dreams may be psychically invaded or manipulated by astral projections, mutual halucinations or evil spirits. Thus it is imperitive to realize that dreams are the shadow of something real or imagined.
The heart is a place where we hold lots of emotion. Have you ever noticed that when you're anxious or worried, you can feel a knot right in the middle of your chest? Or if you're sad or blue, your heart feels very heavy? Alternatively, when you are very happy, you feel a wonderful sense of lightness and spaciousness?
It’s normal to have, and actually feel the emotion in your heart, but problems can arise if those emotions get stuck there.
The energy of your emotions can actually translate into physical symptoms that are very real, something we know from research in mind-body spirit holisitic medicical applications. When the patient displays an emotional problem or inhibition, we refer to these as "HANG UPS". Beleive me, Lindsay has plenty of 'em.
These stuck emotions can color your view of everything going on in your life, and actually influence all of your decisions without your consciously knowing it.
What can you do about it?
First, you must find a way to connect to your heart and bring attention to what's going on in there. What are you feeling right now? You can do this by learning mind-body techniques, especially guided imagery and all forms of meditation or prayer.
Developing a practice of one of these techniques gives you a way to look inside, and when you shine awareness on and into your heart, it will open and reveal your truest feelings and emotions. This light of awareness is often all you need to transform it; to move it out so it isn’t stuck anymore.
Why is this good for you?
Moving the stuck emotion from your heart will be good not only for your stress, but also for your physical and emotional health. But another very important benefit is that connecting to your heart will enable you to tap into how you truly feel in the moment, giving you the best compass for navigating all that life throws at you every day.
This is the vehicle for personal transformation: the ability to know thyself and direct your self on the path to happiness, because this is what we all deserve.

Hang ups, that was it, that was the skeleton in her closet.
Fortunately we have supplied her with an enormous amount of hangers to utilise.