Read what Celebrities have to say about Happy Dale
Here are a few of our many success stories that show just how much we can help you. Many happy patients have had the privilege of a short stay here. So that is why we let you visitors know what we did for our clients.

“I was in the Army Air Corps in the 2nd world war and was stationed at Edwards Air Base for training in 1942. Things were just getting started there at Area 51, so it was necessary to debrief me upon my departure for Europe. What a blast! This really helped my acting career, especially when I worked with Alfred Hitchcock on Vertigo and Rope.”
James Stuart, Film Actor
"Joining the army in 1937, I was ordered to active duty for the first time on April 18, 1942. Due to my nearsightedness, I was classified for limited service only, which excluded me from serving overseas. I was stationed in Nevada for sometime in 1943, at which point I was often at Area 51. This really helped when I later became President as I had both a healthy mental outlook, and knew about many of the secrets there."
Ronald Regan, President United States America
“In 1943 I portrayed Stg. Joe Gunn, the leading character in the film 'Sahara' in the Mojave Desert, I saw a large convoy of trucks heading east. Having nothing better to do I joined the end of the convoy in my M-3 tank Lullubelle. Our destination ended at a place called Area 51. They let me in, thinking I was a guard for the convoy, but when I tried to leave, they stopped me and sent me to debriefing, which was held in a place called Happy Dale. The tales I could tell if they'd only let me tell you.”
Humphrey Bogart, Film Actor
"As a current celebrity appearing in television and cinema I believe that Happy Dale has strengthened the confidence and eased the management of national celebrities appearing in television, cinema and other film and promotional advertisements."
Name withheld to protect identity