As long as you stay in this room you are safe! Stay as long as you like, but if you leave, be sure to wear your Cosmic Ray Protection Hat (CRPH). (Tin foil is provided in handy wall dispensaries to construct yours.)

Knowing, that in some future time, when the ozone layer has been further destroyed by man-made chemicals such as Chlorofluorocarbon and exhaust fumes, the earth and its inhabitants will be mercilessly bombarded by deadly cosmic rays, we join in the beliefs of the Cosmic Ray Deflection Society of North America, which has been organized to discover ways of surviving the coming onslaught. We are part of a loosely knit organization of crazed, forward thinking environmentalists dedicated to the survival of the human race in general, and life on the planet in particular...
In order to save ourselves, we believe:
"An Anti-Cosmic Ray Suit (ACRaS) should be constructed and worn at all times! Man-made items that are really unnecessary and have no real value for our lives should be attached to your hat and a shirt... By believing the collection of trinkets, tickets, plastics, toys, auto parts, jewelries, beads, buttons, and other trivial items would repel the cosmic rays, the CRs were actually repelled!!!"
We call the point at which the cosmic rays actually start being repelled Critical Mass:
"As you attach each piece to your cosmic ray deflection item be it hat, shirt, car, house, shield or footgear, you think that this will be the item that gives you critical mass... At some point it actually starts happening!!! We hope..."
Advocates around here also practice unexpected behaviors, according to the Dysonberg Confusion Principle.
Our motto is The Hat Comes First. The triangle formed with thumb tips and the tips of two first fingers is the secret sign to remember ozone, O3 protects all.
We have been avid practitioners since the early days of cosmic ray deflection, building several cars, or Cosmic Ray Deflection Motor Vehicles. Furthermore, all our offices have growing collections of CR reflecting items. We are now working on an entire Cosmic Ray Free Sanitarium Building , as well as reflector shields for the surrounding desert.
The only requirement for your personal safety is to build an anti-cosmic ray headpiece, (ACRaH.)
Our staff holds monthly covered dish meetings (not to be confused with the Cone of Silence) to help build a safety orientated Cosmic Ray Cookbook for future publication. We encourage active participation and help see to patients daily safety concerns and needs on an ongoing basis.
We adhere to The Dysonberg confusion principle which is the second theory developed by the Cosmic ray Deflection Society, which contends that cosmic rays have a low level of intelligence which allows them to be easily confused by actions contrary to what is considered normal. Once confused, cosmic rays tend to retreat on their own to whence they came, and require no psychological care whatsoever...
We believes that abnormal actions such as standing on your head, reading books or newspapers upside down, or putting shoes on your head, confuses the cosmic rays. Then, if the rays are in a sufficient state of confusion, and one is also protected by a cosmic ray suit, one will not be affected by the rays.
Don't be fooled by phoney imitations, the critical nature of the resulting consequences are much too severe!
Only Ray Bans or possibly wearing Foster Grant brand sunglasses can adequately protect your eyes.
Continual experiments with our on premise Cosmic Ray Tank confirms our suspicions!

Are you afraid of Cosmic Rays?
There is evidence that very high energy cosmic rays arrive on Earth from very long distances and are produced by stars. The obscure and mysterious mechanisms of cosmic ray production at galactic distances is partly a result of the fact that the magnetic fields of our Solar system, our Galaxy and all other galaxies bend the path of cosmic rays, so that after a long journey through space, they arrive nearly randomly, i. e. from all directions, lacking information about the direction of their initial sources!

Further proof about the intensity of cosmic rays, which are composed of ionizing particles, habitually are far more damaging to biological processes than simple energy fields suggest. As noted and presented in this graph, cosmic rays make up on average 10 to 15% of background ionizing radiation to humans on Earth, but this component can be several times larger for persons living at higher altitudes. Conversely, it is slightly less for those living deep underground.