It's better to limit the amount of time people spend in any clinic. Psychiatrists are right when they want patients out of there a.s.a.p. It's just that it's so easy to get used to life in a clinic. You don't even notice it yourself, but slowly, very slowly, you become a kind of robot: you wake up in the morning, have breakfast, start the day with the group you belong to, and then you start the program. You have lunch at a certain time, you have dinner at a certain time, you go to bed at a certain time... It's just that - for some reason - you feel safe. You are there with people who have similar experiences, similar feelings... And for some people - but luckily not all of them - life at the clinic is like a holiday: they get their food, have a bed, can go to the gym... They prefer not to live their life the hard way out on the real world. This pattern of living is known as "institutionalization".