If you consider all the alternatives to reading the text on this page, you probably won't read it all. Just read it for the sake of completion if for no other reason. Of course you might have another reason or motive and that is perfectly acceptable but not at all necessary to manage your moods.Medication should be your last choice when it comes to mood alteration. There are so many cheaper and effective alternatives for you to choose from.
Drugs are not the answer to just any problem. Depression for example, is often a chemical imbalance that sometimes can be overcome by dietary changes alone. After all food is made up of chemicals just like drugs are. So before just jumping on the pill bandwagon, seek nutritional guidance and enjoy a better life through a healthful diet!

Drugs are not the only way to distort your sense of perception.
"Some stationary patterns generate the illusory perception of motion. This unsettling effect is usually stronger if you move your eyes around the figure.
If you hold you gaze steady on one spot, the motion will slow down or even stop. Because holding the eyes still stops the false sense of motion, eye movements must be required to see it. Vision scientist have shown that illusory motion activates brain areas that are similar to those activated by real motion."
Coffee is a very interesting stimulant containing the drug caffeine. This image is made up of coffee bean shaped lozenges. If you drink lots of coffee and look at it you will get dizzy.