Warning! This is is where we keep the really REALLY tough cases, do not enter unless you have life insurance, or brought enough gum for everyone.
"The North Wing has a very long hallway with a row of ten green doors lining each wall. Each door led to a small bedroom. The walls or wall, is coated with thick dull yellow or green hospital paint, was pretty bare except for the door that led onto the ward, the exit sign and placards by each door, and halfway down the length of the ward, the TV.
I sat curled up in a fake leather chair for some time. Gradually I became accustomed to what little activity there was on the ward. The smell was clean and crisp. The dominant sound was the TV. Below the TV there could be heard occasional snoring and shifting and shuffling. And once in a while a far-away telephone ring from the nurses' office. That was all."