1. No smoking of tobacco products will be allowed within the facilities at any time.
The designated smoking area is located at least 120 feet from the main or rear entrance.
All materials used for smoking in this area, including cigarette butts and matches, will be extinguished and disposed of in appropriate containers. Supervisors will ensure periodic cleanup of the designated smoking area. If the designated smoking area is not properly maintained (for example, if cigarette butts are found on the ground), it can be eliminated at the discretion of management or other decision-making body.
2. No smoking in any sanitarium ambulance or other vehicle.
3. No smoking in bathrooms.
4. No smoking on roof.

Rules are a very important part of daily routine for our patients and staff here at Happy Dale. Kindly note and follow them.

"Did you bring enough gum for everyone?"
I Had a teacher, 4th grade that pulled that crap on me.
I DID have enough gum for everyone and started passing it around.
Got sent to the principal's office.
anyone else do that as a kid?
Please dispose of gum and wrappers in the trash. Do not leave gum under tables or desks.