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Orientation is a function of the mind involving awareness of three dimensions: time, place and person. These three dimensions are analogous to the three parts of the whole person we Holistically treat here at Happy Dale. Problems with orientation lead to disorientation, and can be due to various conditions, from delirium to intoxication. Typically, disorientation is first in time, then in place and finally in person.
The exact cerebral region involved in orientation is uncertain, but lesions of the brain stem and the cerebral hemispheres have been reported to cause disorientation, suggesting that they act together in maintaining awareness and its subfunction of orientation.
Disorientation can occur in any person. While exercising, if a person becomes dehydrated as a result of over-exertion he or she may become disorientated to the time or place. While exercising the body may not be able to supply enough oxygen to the brain fast enough. Here in the desert, the first stages of heat stroke or hypothermia can cause dissorientation. This is especially dangerous as the victim does not know what is happening due to dissorientation.

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