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Talk about extreme couponing! Three women in Arizona were arrested recently for selling counterfeit coupons—a lot of counterfeit coupons. After an eight-week undercover investigation, police raided three homes in the Phoenix area, seized $40 million worth of bogus coupons, and arrested the women, who were enjoying a life of “opulence and the money was the equivalent of drug cartel-type of stuff,” according to the police.

Last week, the Associated Press reported that three middle-aged women in Phoenix were busted by police for involvement in an enormous counterfeit couponing ring. Originally, police estimated that some $25 million worth of coupons was confiscated. Local TV station KPHO has since noted that the estimated value of the coupons is actually $40 million.

In addition to the coupons, police seized $2 million worth of assets from the women’s homes, including $240,000 in vehicles, 22 guns, and a 40-foot speed boat. The scene at these homes, which sounds like something out of a rap video, indicates that the women, in their 40s and 50s, were hardly your prototypical thrifty coupon clippers.



















































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