Fabric Softener use in the Laundry Room at Happy Dale!
Read the label on your Fabric softener and you will find that most of the ingredients are not listed. Fragrance is usually the only one. This is because animal fats and/or petroleum products are used to emulsify your wash. Producers do not like to advertise either as the one is not popular with vegans or animal activists, while the other leaves a carbon trail traceable directly to your laundry room or laundromat.
Fabric softeners also contain chemicals that impregnate fabric and are released over time. These chemicals may come in direct contact with the skin and may be absorbed or inhaled. Certain ingredients release formaldehyde, which has been linked to cancer in laboratory tests. Among other softener components are benzyl acetate (linked to pancreatic cancer), benzyl alcohol (an upper respiratory tract irritant), and chloroform (a neurotoxin and carcinogen). Some chemicals are neurostimulants or irritators and may be linked to central nervous system toxin exposure symptoms like headaches, disorientation, mood swings, numbness in face or extremities, memory loss, or irritability.
Most fabric softeners use petroleum-based chemicals which deplete a non-renewable source and are not easily bio-degradable.

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