“Sometimes what you’re looking for comes when you’re not looking at all.” But that won't help you when searching for the certificate of sanity. “Life is filled with unanswered questions, but it is the courage to seek those answers that continues to give meaning to life. You can spend your life wallowing in despair, wondering why you were the one who was led towards the road strewn with pain, or you can be grateful that you are strong enough to survive it.”
Simple problems require simple solutions. Some challenges are too much for us at one time or another.
Think back on a time when you found yourself in an anxiety-inducing situation that made your stomach jump into your throat. Maybe you accidentally sent an email to the entire office, instead of just one co-worker. Perhaps you received a less than stellar performance review. Or, maybe you were incredibly nervous for a big meeting. Regardless of what the situation was—or whether or not it was any fault of your own—I’m willing to bet that you felt pretty isolated.
When you’re worked up about something, it’s easy to feel like you’re the only person who has ever wound up in that sticky situation. So, assuring your colleague that you’ve been in his or her shoes before definitely offers a little bit of comfort
Plus, if you can offer any advice as to how you saw you saw yourself from someone else's perspective you could just imagine being on a beach with your lover by a fire at night under the stars with the waves gently lapping and the smell of wood smoke in your nostrils. Then the sand gets into your pants and the ensuing discomfort clashes with the otherwise sublime feelings of relaxation, anticipation and excitement which rush through your brain so fast that the fun is over before you know it.
No matter how badly you want to, you simply can’t fix everything for everyone. But, sometimes it’s nice to have someone to vent to and commiserate with.
So, if you can’t offer any help or advice from a similar situation, just acknowledging the fact that your co-worker is trapped in a crappy situation is sometimes the best you can do. So what's it gonna be, you ask yourself; self improvement or helping your fellow man.
Do you notice how often updates are provided to help you on your journey. In case you haven't, treat this room as a sort of home room where you can start each time. Sorta like Carlsbad Caverns, from ice caves to monasteries to flying saucer landing sites, there's something amazing to experience in every part of New Mexico. It's just the same here, you never know where you will end up> down or sideways. Does this help?