Just as the words lunatic and lunacy point to the moon because they are derived from the moon's Latin root, luna, the full moon is always accused of incidents that occur during its phase. Studies have been conducted about the correlation between acts of lunacy and the phase of the moon, but little connection was found between the two. Fortunately, these studies disproved newspaper reports which had heightened people's superstitious nature by mentioning the scientific speculation about the moon's negative influence. Some of the theories on the moon's power are based on factual information; for example, an unscientific work by Arnold L. Lieber entitled How the Moon Affects You introduces the author's "biological tides theory" which explains that the lunar cycles which cause tides in the ocean also cause them in the human body, since the human body is almost 80% water. In Ward 5, captain Kook is in charge and he knows all about water. He will sail you safely through each full moon cycle. To see what therapies each patient enjoys, simply click the appropriate box.